DQE announces the acquisition of Capency
DQE & Capency: shaping the future of Data Quality Management


The world of data quality will hold no more secrets for you!

Lexique Capency

Address line 2

The address line 2 provides additional precision in identifying the recipient of the mail (e.g.: Company, building, etc.)

According to the AFNOR standard, this information must be placed on the second line of the address.

Address line 3

The address line 3 corresponds to the elements of the address that complement the identification of the mail delivery location (apartment, residence, postal discrepancy, etc.).

According to the AFNOR standard, this additional information should be placed on the third line of the address.

The French reference Hexaligne 3 lists over 535,000 address supplements.

Address management

Address management involves correcting and verifying postal addresses already listed in your databases.

Capency offers solutions to manage your address databases.

Addressing zone

On a mailing support (letter, envelope, etc.), the addressing zone corresponds to the dedicated location for the postal address of the recipient of the mail, adhering to the standards expected by La Poste


Created in 1926, AFNOR (Association Française de Normalisation) is the official standardization organization. It publishes NF standards belonging to the French national classification.

To obtain a standardized and qualified postal address, AFNOR has defined 6 golden rules:

  1. Information arranged from the nominative (Name and company name) to the locality of the recipient
  2. Maximum of 6 lines
  3. Maximum of 38 characters per line
  4. No punctuation from the 4th line onwards
  5. The last three lines always in uppercase
  6. Address block aligned to the left


In association with FEVAD and SNCD, La Poste has set up an RNVP software approval committee.
Approval is renewable every two years and is exclusively issued to the most efficient RNVP software.

How to obtain approval?
Approval consists of processing a file of 1000 trap addresses. The results are then scrupulously studied by the SNA.

To be approved, you must not distort more than 5 addresses.

Capency has obtained approval for the CAP RNVP and CAP VERIF software.

Assisted input of email addresses

Assisted input of email addresses involves enriching the email address field of contacts: prospects, clients, suppliers…

Capency offers the CAP EMAIL solution for assisted input of your email addresses.

Assisted input of postal addresses

Assisted input of postal addresses involves enriching the field(s) constituting the postal address of contacts: prospects, clients, suppliers…

Capency offers two solutions for entering your addresses: CAP SAISIE (assistance with entering postal addresses across multiple fields) and CAP LINE (assistance with entering postal addresses on a single line).


An audit is a tool used to assess the situation of a company by highlighting its weaknesses and negative aspects, with the aim of subsequently taking appropriate actions and correcting any identified errors.
In its advisory role, Capency supports companies and offers audits to assess the quality of their databases, enabling them to successfully carry out their projects.


Autocompletion is an input assistance mode used when filling out form fields.

Principle of autocompletion: After just a few keystrokes, the module automatically suggests proposals to avoid typing each character, reduce the time spent on input, and thus decrease cart abandonment on a website, for example.


The term B2B / BtoB is an Anglo-Saxon term meaning “Business to Business” and refers to companies that have a clientele of businesses and professionals.

Capency offers the CAP B2B module, which facilitates the entry of company details (address, SIRET number, NAF code, size of workforce, etc.) while ensuring the validity of the data stored in the database.


“B2C / BtoC” stands for “Business to Customer” and refers to companies that have a clientele composed of individual consumers.


In computing, a batch processing refers to processing performed on batches of data. The operation is completed once all these batches have been successfully executed.

Our corrective solutions process customer data in batch mode.

Big Data

“Big data” used to refer to a volume of data that has become so large that it becomes difficult to exploit optimally with traditional management tools.

Capency offers preventive solutions to facilitate data entry and qualification before their entry into the database, as well as corrective solutions to process your existing databases.


The term “bounces” is the equivalent of “NPAI” but in the email domain. It refers to messages that have bounced back or failed during the sending of an email. Typically, there are hard bounces, which are permanently incorrect email addresses, and soft bounces, which are temporary delivery errors.

To limit your hard bounce rates during your email campaigns, Capency offers the CAP EMAIL solution to verify an email before it enters the database, and CAP EMAIL BATCH to process your email address databases.

Call center

A call center is a space composed of a set of telephone workstations with the aim of handling inbound/outbound calls and conducting telemarketing activities.

Capency provides call centers with preventive solutions to avoid input errors and increase productivity.

Cart abandonment

“Cart abandonment” refers to when a visitor decides not to complete a purchase on an e-commerce website after adding item(s) to their virtual cart. A high rate of cart abandonment can be attributed to a checkout process that is too lengthy or complex.

Capency solutions help reduce the number of fields in your forms and the time it takes to enter customer information, thereby decreasing cart abandonment rates.


CEDEXA is a French postal reference system that enables the verification of CEDEX addresses for businesses and correction based on their geographical address.

CEDEXA contains 180,000 addresses and is essential for B-to-B activities.


Charade processing involves identifying the addresses of people who have recently moved in a file and replacing them with their new addresses.
The objective of this operation is to limit the number of PNDs and to stay in contact with its customers.


The CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties) is an independent French administrative authority.

Its role is to ensure that “computing is at the service of the citizen and that it does not infringe upon human identity, human rights, privacy, individual freedoms or public “.

Conversion rate

Used in internet marketing, the conversion rate refers to the percentage of purchases made on an online store compared to the number of unique visitors who browsed the website for a given period.

The input support modules offered by Capency optimize the experience of your Internet users and improve your conversion rates.


A CRMCustomer Relationship Management – ​​is a tool for processing and analyzing data relating to prospects and customers, with the aim of keeping in touch with them and thus being able to retain them.

Our preventive solutions can be directly integrated into your CRM to ensure the quality of your customer data before it enters the database.

Curative solutions

The curative solutions developed by Capency improve and sustain the quality of your databases thanks to cleaning and correction operations carried out on your existing data.

Customer data

Customer data refers to all structured and organized data referring to the company’s customers: name, first name, postal address, email, telephone number, etc.

Capency offers solutions to qualify and process your customer data.

Customer database

The customer database brings together all structured and organized data relating to the company’s customers. It brings together all the information identifying customers or prospects (last name, first name, email, postal address, etc.) but also information specifying the purchase history, the marketing and sales relationship.

Capency offers software to process and ensure the quality of your customer databases.

Customer knowledge

Customer knowledge is established based on data collected via the different channels (website, store, CRM, etc.) and which has been supplemented or compared with market data.

Having quality data allows you to know your customers/prospects, to take into account their preferences and their purchasing behavior in order to be able to meet their expectations and needs.

Capency offers solutions to qualify your data.

Customer loyalty

Customer loyalty brings together all the means implemented by the company to build a lasting and lasting relationship with its customers.
It is important to remember that a loyal customer costs the company less because the communication efforts will be less because they already know the company’s products and services.

Capency offers solutions allowing you to work with quality data to improve relationships with your customers and thus build their loyalty.


A privileged partnership has been established between Capency and Cylande, the major player in the publishing of software exclusively dedicated to the distribution sector.

Our preventive solutions are implemented in the Winstore cash register software belonging to the latter.

Data cleaning

Data cleaning is a process of checking and correcting already existing data in order to obtain a clean and reliable base.

Data cleaning will make it possible to improve the quality of this information stored in the database and therefore to optimize your marketing actions, for example.

In order to obtain a quality and standardized postal address database, Capency offers the CAP RNVP solution.

Data Enrichment

Data enrichment consists of adding or updating new information to your existing databases.

Capency offers preventive solutions to have reliable and quality data from the moment it is entered.

Data management

Data management includes all actions allowing information to be managed from its entry into the database, through its updating, until its definitive deletion.

Managing your data properly will allow you to obtain reliable and relevant information to optimize your marketing actions and your customer relations.

Capency solutions allow you to properly manage your customer details.

Data mining

Data mining consists of analyzing and manipulating a large quantity of information from one or more databases, to then extract specific knowledge on elements that were hitherto unknown.

The CAP RNVP and CAP DEDUP solutions allow you to make your databases more reliable before data mining.

Data processing

In the IT field, the term data processing refers to a set of processes implemented to extract information or derive relevant insights from raw data.

To process your data, Capency offers you to carry out RNVP processing, deduplication operations, deduplication, etc.

Data qualification

Data qualification consists of enriching and making improvements to a customer or prospect database.

Capency solutions allow companies to have quality data in order to optimize customer knowledge and your marketing actions.

Data Quality

Data quality is a key to success for the company since it will make it possible to maintain contact and improve customer satisfaction while optimizing its marketing actions. Companies have understood this well and more and more of them are implementing solutions to improve the quality of their data.


Deduplication is a process allowing the identification and deletion of identical/similar data contained in the same file or in the same database.

Discover the CAP DEDUP solution, to delete and/or merge your duplicates and thus be able to work with quality and reliable data.

Disposable email address

A disposable email address is a temporary address primarily used to combat spam or unwanted emails.
The CAP EMAIL solution detects disposable email addresses in real-time and prompts the user to revise their input to avoid having unworkable addresses in the database, particularly for email marketing campaigns, for example.

Domain name

A domain name is an internet domain identifier generally designating the company hosting the email box (hotmail.com, live.com, gmail.com, yahoo.com).

Capency can ensure at the time of entry that there are no errors in the domain names of access providers thanks to the 40,000 domain names listed in the CAP EMAIL solution.


Data quality management (DQM) is a method aimed at managing and comparing customer data from different files, databases, collection channels, etc. to then be able to transform them into useful and essential information for the company.


A duplicate is identical/similar data present several times in the same file or in the same database.

Duplicate management

Company databases very frequently contain duplicates.

In order to optimize the quality of your databases, Capency offers you the CAP DEDUP solution allowing you to manage, detect and delete your duplicates in your files.


E-commerce or also known as “electronic commerce” corresponds to the sales of goods or services carried out remotely through electronic and digital interfaces (computers, tablets, mobiles, etc.).

In recent years, e-commerce websites also called “online stores” have multiplied, leading to a change in behavior among consumers who have now become hyperconnected.
These sites, equipped with an online banking platform, allow Internet users to make a purchase at any time of the day and without having to travel.

Capency has developed solutions adapted to e-commerce to improve the user experience, avoid abandoned shopping carts/forms, etc.

Email address

An email address, also known as an email, electronic mail, or simply mail, is a personal or professional address used to receive electronic messages.

An email address consists of three elements:

– The local part
– The “@” symbol
– The domain name

To facilitate input and verify the existence of an email address before entering it into a database, Capency offers the CAP EMAIL solution.

Email address validation

The validation of an email address occurs after checking the syntax and the domain name that makes up the address.

To reduce your hardbounce rates and keep in touch with your customers, the CAP EMAIL solution validates your email addresses in real time.

Email address verification

The CAP EMAIL solution helps the Internet user enter their address and verifies its existence in real time.

This solution makes it possible to limit the rate of hardbounces during emailing campaigns.


An ERP or also called “integrated management software package” is a computerized business management tool.

Capency offers solutions to equip your ERP to quickly and error-free enter your customer data.


An Estocade file lists the old addresses of individuals who have moved less than 3 years ago and whose mail forwarding contract has expired.

In France, there are around 200,000 routes that are renamed or deleted due to moves.
An Estocade treatment makes it possible to limit the number of PNDs during direct marketing campaigns.


Created in 1957, FEVAD – Federation of e-commerce and distance selling – is a French professional union, bringing together more than 500 companies with distance selling activity regardless of the medium used (Internet, telephone, tablet etc.).


Geocoding is an action which consists of adding geographical data to a database from a postal address.

A file must absolutely include the fields corresponding to the address in order to be geocoded.

Capency has developed a GEOCODING functionality allowing the assignment of X (longitude) and Y (latitude) coordinates via our postal address management solutions.


The term hardbounce concerns email addresses that will never be delivered to a recipient, during emailing campaigns, because either the email address is incorrect or it does not exist.

To limit the hardbounce rate, Capency offers two solutions:

  • CAP EMAIL to check the existence of an email address in real time.
  • CAP EMAIL BATCH to correct your email addresses contained in the database.

Help entering email address

The email address entry assistance modules allow you to assist a person in enriching the field relating to the email address.
Capency offers you the CAP EMAIL solution to assist the Internet user when entering the 3 elements that make up the email address and verifies its existence in real time.


Hexaclé is a French postal repository which allows you to:
– Validate addresses more accurately
– Simplify geocoding for geomarketing and mapping.

Hexaclé contains 17 million codes distributed as follows:
– 15 million codes identifying geographic addresses with street numbers.
– 2 million identifying codes:
the wording of the routes, whether they are numbered or not
the geographic key: invariant code, consisting of the INSEE code and 5 alpha-numeric characters, incremented by a counter.

Hexaligne 3

Hexaligne 3 lists more than 535,000 address additions in France and includes all elements relating to the exterior of the building: entrance, building, building, residence, etc., and concerns vertical housing or real estate complexes.


Hexaposte is a French postal repository which allows you to:

  • Check, correct or complete the postal code and the CEDEX code
  • Check the suitability of the locality with the postal code
  • Check the spelling of localities as well as distribution offices


Hexavia is a French postal repository which lists the 2,100,000 roads of the 36,600 towns of France, as well as their synonyms (old name, local name).

This data is collected daily by 100,000 factors and is then verified and validated.

Each channel label contained in the repository is divided into three parts:
– The guiding word of the path: last word of the path
– The full wording of the route
– The type of track

Input help

The entry assistance modules allow a person to be assisted when entering customer contact details (postal addresses, emails, telephone numbers, etc.) on any type of medium: web forms, mobile, tablets, CRM / ERP, cash register software etc.
Capency’s input assistance modules improve the user’s experience thanks to the automatic suggestion of suggestions after a few characters entered.


IRIS – Grouped Islands for Statistical Indicators – refer to the division of French territory carried out by INSEE.

In this division, we distinguish between IRISs occupation unit, IRISs sector unit and IRISs diverse unit.

IRISs occupation unit have approximately between 2,000 and 5,000 inhabitants, while France has approximately 16,000 IRISs.

IRIS are often used as part of a catchment area study.

Capency has developed a functionality allowing you to attribute socio-demographic data from your postal addresses.


Match mode refers to the modules helping to enter customer contact details and searching for the pre-existence of a customer file in the company databases.

To meet these needs, Capency offers preventive solutions.


MDM – Master Data Management ​​meaning the management of the company’s reference data, has the mission of standardizing data from a standardized repository and ensuring that this information is identified and used without any risk.

To ensure the quality of the repository, it is recommended to develop processing and cleaning operations such as the elimination of duplicates or the standardization of data, for example.

Capency solutions allow you to optimize your MDM project by qualifying your data upon entry and maintaining the quality of your repository.


The term multichannel is often used to talk about multichannel marketing and refers to a distribution strategy using different media (internet, store, mobile, etc.) for the marketing of goods or services.

Capency offers you solutions to qualify and standardize your data collected via your different channels to then be able to bring this information together in a single database.


The acronym “NFTA” stands for “Not found at this address” which translates to “Does not/live no longer at the indicated address.” This is the former term used to refer to “PND” (Permanent Non-Delivery).

The NFTA rate (number of NFTA/number of messages sent) is used to evaluate the quality of an address file.

A high-quality file should have a rate lower than 1%; beyond 5%, it will be considered of poor quality.

To obtain a high-quality address file, Capency offers the following solutions:

  • CAP SAISIE: Assistance during the input of postal addresses across multiple fields
  • CAP LINE: Assistance during the input of postal addresses in a single line
  • CAP VERIF: Real-time address verification
  • CAP RNVP: Normalization of postal address databases

Normalization of postal address

Postal address normalization is a process that involves verifying that the data in a database adheres to the rules established by the French AFNOR standard.

The objective of this process is to enhance your customer relations and minimize your rates of Permanent Non-Delivery (PND) during mailing campaigns.

To normalize your postal addresses, Capency offers the option to perform an RNVP processing through the CAP RNVP solution.

Online data entry

Online data entry involves enriching a form from an input workstation with the aim of entering various details (postal addresses, emails, phone numbers, etc.). The forms can be filled out either by customers via a website on a computer, smartphone, or tablet, or by a data entry operator using software such as a cash register, CRM, etc.

Online form

A online form is an input mask consisting of mandatory or optional fields, used to populate a database. This type of form is commonly found on online stores for creating an account and/or placing an order, for example.

Capency offers solutions to reduce the number of fields and optimize your web forms.


Formerly known as NFTA, the acronym PND stands for “Permanent Non-Delivery” which translates to “Undeliverable Mail.” PND refers to mail that could not be delivered to its intended recipient due to an incorrect, incomplete, or unusable address for postal services.

To have a high-quality address file and reduce the rate of PND, Capency offers the following solutions:

  • CAP SAISIE: Assistance during the input of postal addresses across multiple fields
  • CAP LINE: Assistance during the input of postal addresses in a single line
  • CAP VERIF: Real-time address verification
  • CAP RNVP: Normalization of postal address databases

Postal address

A postal address contains various elements enabling a sender to deliver mail or parcels to a recipient. It comprises two types of data:

  • Personal data, including the name/first name/business name
  • Geographic data, consisting of the street number, street name, postal code, city, country, etc

Example of a standardized postal address:


It is crucial to accurately input/write a postal address to avoid NPAI/PND issues. For this purpose, Capency offers three modules:

  • CAP SAISIE: Assistance during the input of postal addresses across multiple fields
  • CAP LINE: Assistance during the input of postal addresses in a single line
  • CAP VERIF: Real-time address verification
  • CAP RNVP: Normalization of postal address databases

Postal address input

The modules for assisting in entering postal addresses help a person enrich the fields related to the address (postal code, city, street, number, etc.). Capency offers two modules to assist the user in entering a postal address:

  • CAP SAISIE: Assistance during the input of postal addresses across multiple fields
  • CAP LINE: Assistance during the input of postal addresses in a single line

Postal address verification

Postal address verification is carried out during an RNVP processing and helps ensure the quality of your addresses to prevent PND (Permanent Non-Delivery).

Capency offers to verify your addresses with the CAP RNVP solution.

Postal reference

Geographic repositories contain all the information related to addresses.

Capency integrates La Poste’s geographic repositories into its modules to validate addresses:
Hexaposte – Hexavia – Hexaclé – Hexaligne3 – Cedexa – Roudis 2000

Postal validation

By utilizing address repositories, postal validation is a method used to verify the accuracy of the elements comprising an address. It allows for proposing valid addresses to the person responsible for entering the addresses, if necessary.

Capency offers the CAP VERIF solution for real-time postal address validation or the CAP RNVP solution to validate your address databases.

Preventive solutions

Capency’s preventive solutions enable perfect and rapid collection of your customer data through various channels (web, point of sale software, CRM, ERP, etc.), thereby ensuring access to a high-quality database.


Restructuring the address‘ is the first step in an RNVP process.

This step involves placing the various elements of the address in the correct fields according to the AFNOR standard.

RNVP Processing

RNVP is a process aimed at obtaining a postal address database that meets the standards expected by La Poste, the French postal service.

Capency offers the CAP RNVP curative processing (approved by the SNA since 2007) to carry out the normalization of existing postal addresses.


ROI – Return On Investment is widely used to measure the profitability of marketing actions, especially in the fields of web marketing and direct marketing.

Roudis 2000

Roudis 2000 is a French postal reference containing distribution codes (postal routes) for municipalities in France. This information is extracted from the production reference of “La Poste” to optimize mail distribution.

It includes:

  • 1.5 million routes for the 18,000 municipalities served by multiple carriers.
  • The distribution code for the 18,000 municipalities served by a single carrier.


The SaaS (Software as a Service) model involves offering a subscription to clients rather than a one-time purchase of a license from the software provider.

Capency offers its solutions in both SaaS and licensing modes.


Salesforce is a globally renowned company offering customer relationship management (CRM) solutions. To address customer demands using this CRM, Capency has developed an application within Salesforce.

Now, CAP SAISIE, CAP EMAIL, and CAP PHONE solutions are directly integrated into Salesforce, allowing you to quickly and accurately enter your customer contact information into your CRM.

Single Customer View

The ‘single customer view’ or ‘customer 360° vision’ refers to the ability to gather all data scattered across various information systems and collection channels belonging to a single individual in order to obtain a unified view of the customer.

To achieve a customer 360° vision, it’s essential to work with high-quality data to make the best decisions in terms of segmentation and targeting.

The solutions offered by Capency enable you to qualify and correct your customer contact information, thus obtaining a customer 360° vision.


‘Siretization’ involves enriching a company’s file with its SIRET number. This process is carried out by providers licensed by INSEE.

To enhance company details (SIRET, NAF code, etc.), Capency offers the CAP B2B solution.

Smart Data

In response to the rise of Big Data, Smart Data is a method that focuses primarily on relevant, reliable, and useful data for decision-making to generate ROI and adopt effective marketing strategies.

Capency offers software solutions to obtain accurate and reliable customer data.


The SNA – National Address Service – was created in 1996 by La Poste and ensures the proper implementation of address quality in France to improve mail service quality and thus reduce the number of undelivered mail (“PND”).

Our postal address management solutions, CAP VERIF and CAP RNVP, are approved by the SNA.

Standard 32

The standard 32, also known by the reference Z 10-011, identifies the elements involved in a geopostal address as well as its structure. Each line should not exceed 32 characters or spaces.

The standard 32 has been ineffective since June 2015 and has been definitively replaced by the standard 38.

Standard 38

The standard 38, known under the reference XP Z 10-011, has been active since May 1997. It allows identifying the elements involved in a geopostal address as well as its structure. Each line should not contain more than 38 characters or spaces.

The standard 38 replaced the standard 32 as of November 1st, 2015.


Standardization involves applying a particular format to a piece of data. The format can be defined according to a standard (e.g., complying with standard 38 for postal addresses) or according to rules set by the company. For example:

For CAP CIVILITE, write the title “Monsieur” as “M.” or “Mr.”.
For CAP PHONE, separate the digits of the phone number using spaces or periods.


Data Quality
Identité & Consentement
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